1871 Club FAQ
- What is the 1871 Club?
- How many magazine issues are included in my Membership?
- When will I receive the first issue of my journal?
- How long is my membership for?
- When will I receive all of my membership benefits?
- How do I access the presale tickets to the Field & Stream Outdoor and Music Festival?
- I can’t log in to my account. How do I get back in?
- What is F&S+?
- I was an existing Field & Stream+ subscriber. How do I get access to my account now that there is an 1871 Club Membership?
- How can I read Field & Stream in print?
- How do I access the digital archives?
- How can I cancel my membership?
- How can I get a refund?
- I purchased Field & Stream merchandise from the shop and have questions surrounding my order.
- How do I contact support?